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A %s legnépszerűbb értékelése a Banggood-on, Vásároljon legjobb %s-t a legalacsonyabb áron a Banggood-on. Vásárlás előtt böngésszen a %s leghasznosabb pozitív véleményében., rc játékok, szórakoztató sport, divat, népszerű elektronika
manton 09/09/2017
I won one of the 3D printers!!! Thanks Banggood!!! It was my birthday two days ago, so somehow this seems fitting... I wasn't sure it would be possible if others are using bots, but it really was. Actually, I've one quite a bit of stuff, but that was the first $0.11 item.
Hozzászólások (6)
  • floki manton{|}nice try banggood

    Válasz 09/09/2017
  • letmeno floki{|}He may have won the printer. I tried and failed of course. But I did win the JJRC Car and I am a real person so it is possible. I did curse like hell at previous fails before winning though. Now I just need it to ship. [em_2]

    Válasz 09/09/2017
  • exmachina manton{|}lol, soo fak, pretty much sure is one guy of their staff

    Válasz 09/09/2017
  • manton manton{|}Like all of you, I was starting to wonder if the $0.11 items were real, as I tried many of them and didn't get any, until I tried for the printer. I figured there was no chance that I would get one, since there were only 5.

    No, I don't work for Banggood. Though, I did figure out a method that increased my chances of winning, so I did get a number of lower priced items.

    Válasz 09/09/2017
  • chocksaway exmachina{|}HAHAHAHA, typical response from a loser. Someone won so he's automatically a BG staff member. Honestly you couldn't write this stuff, it would make a great TV show and bloody funny as well. It could be called "The Life Of A Loser"

    Válasz 08/11/2017
  • Larsus chocksaway{|}banggood's staff dont speak english that well, so i belive it! :D

    Válasz 10/11/2017
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