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A very nice VFD tube! A pity that there is no picture about it lit up, i attach one-truly an outstanding visual performance, the tube in itself values the money! Hopefully the blue phosphor will be long lasting. The attached electronic however is nowhere near to utilise the capabilities of this display. It is mono and have only 5 segment driven. The 15 segments of the tube are tied in groups consisting 3 segments and driven accordingly. But this can be easily substituted with a driver like LM391x with even a true old VU-meter style display, or just play with the 15 segments as lit up in a row. No matrix, all segments are available separated. Anyway, the tube highly values the cost and getting a useful transformer and some electronics behind-it's absolutely a bang good. :-)
A V-mérő hibás csomagolás miatt tört el. Ha dobozba tették volna, ez nem történt volna meg. Vissza fogom kérni a visszatérítést.