Kiszállítás United Kingdom , USD
A %s legnépszerűbb értékelése a Banggood-on, Vásároljon legjobb %s-t a legalacsonyabb áron a Banggood-on. Vásárlás előtt böngésszen a %s leghasznosabb pozitív véleményében., rc játékok, szórakoztató sport, divat, népszerű elektronika
Jason 23/07/2017
This is a S-bus decoder from an open source project: You need to download configuration tool here: With the software tool and applying a jumper as well as a USB-to-TTL serial converter you can map the channels to PPM or PWM outputs. It is equipped with 16 output ports so you can use 16 PWM outputs at the same time. This is unique compared to other decoders which usually have 8 physical outputs. The PWM output is limited to 1105 ~1905ms which is not the full range. This is probably intentional to allow for trims. It comes in a black sleeve which has all the signal legends printed.
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