Kiszállítás United Kingdom , USD
A %s legnépszerűbb értékelése a Banggood-on, Vásároljon legjobb %s-t a legalacsonyabb áron a Banggood-on. Vásárlás előtt böngésszen a %s leghasznosabb pozitív véleményében., rc játékok, szórakoztató sport, divat, népszerű elektronika
Daywhite_81 18/08/2022
Fast delivery from CZ within 4 days after order. I've ordered 4 but sadly only three were working, the fouth was dead, BG refunded 2 days after sending proof of dead Receiver. The Receiver itself work great with Sanwa MT4 and MT44 and other FH3 and FH4 Sanwa Radios. Highly recommended, the only downside is the missing which channel is first and polarity. The case is keyed with Futaba plugs, but if you but it that way the are plugged wrong. Minus is on data and data on minus. Be aware before using it
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