Kiszállítás United Kingdom , USD
A %s legnépszerűbb értékelése a Banggood-on, Vásároljon legjobb %s-t a legalacsonyabb áron a Banggood-on. Vásárlás előtt böngésszen a %s leghasznosabb pozitív véleményében., rc játékok, szórakoztató sport, divat, népszerű elektronika
Mr. Bear 16/06/2024
The designated connection point for the radio/usb module does not have enough high voltage (printed on the board 4,7V, but measured only 4,1V) and because of too low voltage the USB is not working. Because of that, I disconnect module from that power supply port and made another connection which will provide 5V: negative to the GND and +5V positive to the anode side of the 1N4007 diode. See the pictures! After that modification the USB port starts to work and everything is OK. This DIY kit is very nice with good sound and a lot of functions. There are no instructions, but you do not need them, because everything is written on the pcb board. I hope this information will help you to assemble full working kit without any troubles.
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