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Csak az Ön országából származó vélemények (Hungary)
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  • 19/01/2017

    Solid and loud out of the box. The two tubes are solidly spot welded together and the case has T7 screws so it can be disassembled for cleaning. Benefits from 2 minor adjustments: 1) There's a little foam plug near the mouth end. Not sure what it's there for but it could get dirty and gross with use. Fortunately it comes out easily. 2) A good whistle makes a mix of frequencies to be easily heard. This is why many have multiple different resonance cavities. If one of the two plugs opposite the mouth end is pushed farther in about 1mm, you get a much more "hearable" mix of tones. I get about 2400Hz on one and 2500Hz on the other after adjustment.

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  • 13/12/2017

    Excelente Servicio y excelente calidad muchas gracias envío muy rápido y en perfecto estado gracias

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