Kiszállítás United Kingdom , USD
A %s legnépszerűbb értékelése a Banggood-on, Vásároljon legjobb %s-t a legalacsonyabb áron a Banggood-on. Vásárlás előtt böngésszen a %s leghasznosabb pozitív véleményében., rc játékok, szórakoztató sport, divat, népszerű elektronika
cvdou 29/07/2017
As small as it is, this thing makes a lot of noise. Take care not to blow up your speakers! You need a double (+ and -) power supply, at least +50V and -50V. As for the connections, they are a bit unclear but here they are. Take the pcb in front of you with the fan on the left and the blue connector on the right (see attached photo). The connections of the blue connector from top to bottom: speaker + speaker - +60V GND -60V The connections of the white connector from top to bottom: input ground input positive
Hozzászólások (6)
  • mkrasselt1 thanks, thats Great !But where did you get the power supply ?

    Válasz 27/09/2017
  • Notalycs I have the same question mr cvdou. Can you tell us where to buy the transformer. I have here 2 power amps but I cannopt use it..... :-(

    Válasz 07/02/2018
  • Leandro Boa tarde vendedor preciso saber a corrente que necessito pois tem ae 65 65 gostaria de saber se vc tbm tem essa alimentacao para ele

    Válasz 04/03/2018
  • timlaz is this 60v DC?

    Válasz 05/10/2019
  • KorBare A 80Volt 300VA centre tapped Toroidal, wired to a 35 amp or more bridge rectifier, followed by a bank of 6 capacitors 47000uf, 3 Capacitors for each Rail, This configuration should produce 58 0 -58 power supply Unloaded and 55 0 -55 fully loaded power supply fully driven to produce the 2X 500Wrms, Yerp that be 1Kwrms

    Válasz 17/06/2020
  • pukumuku @KorBare whatif i use circuit 5 car 12v batteries?

    Válasz 25/12/2020
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