mkrasselt1 thanks, thats Great !But where did you get the power supply ?
Válasz 27/09/2017Notalycs I have the same question mr cvdou. Can you tell us where to buy the transformer. I have here 2 power amps but I cannopt use it..... :-(
Válasz 07/02/2018Leandro Boa tarde vendedor preciso saber a corrente que necessito pois tem ae 65 65 gostaria de saber se vc tbm tem essa alimentacao para ele
Válasz 04/03/2018timlaz is this 60v DC?
Válasz 05/10/2019KorBare A 80Volt 300VA centre tapped Toroidal, wired to a 35 amp or more bridge rectifier, followed by a bank of 6 capacitors 47000uf, 3 Capacitors for each Rail, This configuration should produce 58 0 -58 power supply Unloaded and 55 0 -55 fully loaded power supply fully driven to produce the 2X 500Wrms, Yerp that be 1Kwrms
Válasz 17/06/2020Cégünk | Lépjen kapcsolatba velünk | Fizetés és szállítás | Partnerségi programok |