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Ok, I must say this came really fast 4days to be exact! I like the local ship they've added and it usually only takes a week to 15days for normal shipments. First impression this is a small Fc/pdb combo and packed with really nice features. The 2Uarts are all you need for rx and GPS hook up. everything else passes through 2 soft serial ports which one will be needed for vtx/cam control the other you can use for what ever! All in all I think I will be purchasing a few more of these boards, as the set up is super simple. It would've been nice to have some mounting holes but double sided tape works very well too. My only gripe the FC was not protected at all inside the envelope. Just the foil looking bag and some wrap around the fc it self which is not protection at all I'm happy it didn't arrive broken.
Ringrazio tutto lo staff di Banggod 😀 per la velocità della spedizione del mio ordine💪💪,questa fc F411-WSE della Mateksys per aeromodelli per me è una nuova esperienza,ho preso questa per le dimensioni ridotte,sarà tutta da scoprire😀. Prossimamente la resterò e farò una recensione più accurata.👍