NanoVNA-H4 50 KHz ~ 1,5 GHz VNA HF VHF UHF UV 4 hüvelykes LCD Vektorhálózat Analizátor
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Igazán értékes eszköz, sok lehetőség az ár. Egyetlen nagy hiba, szerencsére gyorsan megoldott googling körül: az érintőképernyő véletlenszerűen válaszol, néha saját, néha nem reagál a csapokra. Felfedeztem, hogy a műanyag doboz kissé vastag, és „nyomta" az érintőképernyő az oldalán. Négy műanyag alátétet helyeztünk a csavarok kamrájának két fele közé, és mindent visszacsavartunk, megoldottuk a problémát.
Shipping is super fast as usual. Packaging is OK, but plastic could not protect the paper box (which is nice, but not very practical). As I have an older NanoVNA-F I can compare H4 with it. H4: Electrically it's better without hesitation. It has no trouble to keep everything below -60dB till 900MHz, and -50dB till almost 1.5GHz. This is really impressive. It's lighter due to plastic case (I regard this as a positive thing). LCD size is a bit smaller than F, but as there is no scale it looks almost the same. LCD visibility (especially from SMA side) is slightly worse than F. Touch reliability is slightly worse than F. Pushable rotating knob is still nothing to write home about but it seems to work. So far I could not locate a new SW version (I mean binary as I'm not keen compiling it myself). In addition the menu cheat sheet contains a DFU menu that is not found on the actual menu of the SW... So it's unclear to me how firmware update supposed to be done if it's necessary. In overall it's light and electrically so far the best package (it's a very good value). I look forward seeing the V2 variant with a similar size display.