Minden üzenet

cucaracha1 It'sthe best. Please notice when arrival. Lo mejor de lo mejor. Windows no ha podido daar mis micro SD o TF. No hay en el mercado otras como estas.

BG472212391 20/07/2021
Hozzászólások (2)

Q: How many ANSI lumens It has?

Kérdezte cucaracha1 tovább 2019-10-11 05:24:44

mercedes12343 Can it be attached to the tripod?

2020-11-23 01:02:53 Hasznos (0)
Válaszok (5)

cucaracha1 Yes I fixed it by 3 holes to the ceiling. They are metrics. One near of front with screw M6x1 and 4 holes M4x0.7. Since the front hole (M6x1) is not fixed in the gravity center the only use is not useful. It is recomended use the 4 holes M4x0.7 in order to raise stability.

2020-09-28 10:14:04 Hasznos (0)
Válaszok (6)