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amigawolf@MirciON Sorryfor super late reaction, but yes i had them both, but making more holes in the top above the CPU, and putting a 140mm fan in the inside, sucking all the air out, worked 10x better, everything was supper cool, with the fan running on only 900 a 1000rpm.

amigawolf 30/08/2020
Hozzászólások (3)

Q: Were can i find the PDF how to build it?

Kérdezte amigawolf tovább 2020-09-16 03:26:40

kent Mine came with a schematic and instructions in Chinese that Google translated.

2020-10-05 11:53:02 Hasznos (1)
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PAKupriyanov Благодарю за уделенное мне внимание, у меня нет претензий к заказу, количество товара меня устраивает

2019-10-30 07:14:02 Hasznos (1)
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