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toddakins If you ever see a snail horn or a horn for an automobile. Look on the back and see if you can see the quarter inch Phillips head screw with a locking nut. That screw will adjust the pitch or sound of said horn thus a high pitched screaming sound or low and deap. As far as question of a wailing or beeping sound, if it does not require an air pump or compressed air tank it's going to be a beep or longated solid sound, if a pitch screw is present (you can see a pitch crew in this snail horn post, little silver Phillips head screw) it will be a solid single tone sound. However a combination of a Volkswagen bug, a GMC 2500,3500 pickup or anyany combination of small and large sounds together at the same time is unique and awesome. You can find combinations at your local automotive Recycling yard.

2020-07-10 12:48:44 Hasznos (0)
Válaszok (5)

Q: the intermittent sound gets people's attention when backing up, excellent.

Kérdezte toddakins tovább 2019-06-09 12:38:51

Ekstrom_ yep, i recommend it.

2019-06-30 11:05:22 Hasznos (0)
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toddakins it is a DC unit. you can change the plug from your old battery pact on to the new pack. just be sure the prop turns in the correct direction before you secure the connection of the plug. as DC is Direct Current so if you connect + to the - side the prop will be reversed. AC is Alternate Current thus power current flow alternates to the correct direction needed.

2018-06-14 12:15:36 Hasznos (0)
Válaszok (1)