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  • 29/04/2021

    Instead of yet another drone. here I chose a Plane from Banggood (they supplied this review sample). Very appealing for me: almost all is finished out of the box, you just have to complete it in a few easy steps (shown in the video). Big plane with very easy-to-fly handling but also well capable of some mild acrobatics! Just looks good in the air! ●▬▬▬Features/Findings▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● ►REFLEX stabilization: Easy to setup (3pos switch). Would fly in "optimised mode" (this holds the angle of the plane against wind/gust but will not auto-level when you let go the sticks. Auto level is too much imho - not needed - only maybe if you learn to fly? ►FLAPS: powerfull! mix in some down elevator! (from 10mm up and down in low rates, I'd use 3-4mm downtrim!) use a bit more throttle with flaps fully deployed - else it will stall or fly backwards ;) Good for taking the speed out on steep landing approaches - but not as easy to handle as I thought (but maybe that's just lack of LOS flying training on my side). ►LANDING GEAR: great! Big enough for our green field, dampened NOSEgear for sub-optimal landings (you should "flare" the plane and set it on the main wheels first and then lower the throttle to set the nosegear gently down. NOSEGEAR: really needs some threadlock ;) Also it can take a lot of impact on hard landings - but the spring will send you back in the air ;) ►Lights! (my first plane with scale like LEDs installed (even a front landing light, and red/green blinky lights on wingtips). ►FLIGHTTIME with 5200mah 4S (10c multistar pack, 433gr 6yrs old packs!). ~7.5mins and 60% left in pack - so easy 10mins or more (will also try a 7000mah ZOHD liIon pack for ~20mins?) ►TRANSPORT: quite a large plane, wings are installed quite easy and quick with the 4 screws and R-clips on struts. Elevator/Rudder could also be uninstalled for transport - but then it gets to be a bit cumbersome...

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  • 08/02/2021

    Leuk ,, lekker Groot VLIEGTUIG,,, en mooi op tijd aan gekomen. Voorzien van het Nieuwe Reflex systeem V2...

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