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A felülvizsgálat egy részét automatikusan lefordították.

  • 13/11/2017

    hub is 8mm thick, with 3mm diameter hole ~93mm blade length from centre of hole to tip look good for the price - testing will tell...

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  • 16/04/2018

    Gemfan folding propellers A few tips when ordering Gemfan folding propellers. #1. Check clearance- This is most important for pusher planes like The Skysurfer/Bixler/Ranger. Sometimes with optional motor mounts you will be able to mount larger propellers. Make certain you can clear the fuselage. You may want to order the next size smaller if you’re close to hitting the fuselage. #2. Make sure your motor can handle your propeller- If your motor is optimized for a six inch propeller and you put on a 7” propeller, yes it will work. You can rationalize that you’ll never use full power. Even with a lower power setting the larger propeller requires more work to make spin. What you think would be more efficient flight can actually be less efficient as it draws more energy and drains your battery faster, even at lower speeds. #3. If the spinner sits on the front of your plane it should cover the front. It’s cone shape is aerodynamic, it helps slice through the air. If it’s going to be used on a pusher plane you’ll want it to be not exceed the diameter of the mount so that it doesn’t add to drag. #4 Do not over tighten the propeller blades. They need to move freely to fold and unfold during flight. #5. Maintenance is important- Make sure your propeller blades are balanced. If they break on one or both ends, replace with a new set. This review was posted on my Facebook group. ( https://www.facebook.com/RCplanes.n.stuff/ ) The photo posted is of a Gemfan spinner and folding propeller on a Radian. I will be discussing how to do this with parts found at Banggood in a future post.

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