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The meter has a nice screen and a reasonably accurate dust counter. I compared it's results to the CARB air monitoring station a few blocks away and found that it usually reads 10-20 points lower up to AQI 150. At higher values it becomes less accurate often reading much lower than actual. However the main reason I bought it was to compare indoor and outdoor pollution levels to see if my air filters were working during the California wildfires and the meter works very well for that purpose. It's low power consumption means be powered from a USB power back to turn it into a portable monitor that lasts for many hours. The meter needs to sit in an area undisturbed for 10 minutes before taking readings. I wish it had some way of outputting the data over USB so I could log the results over time. I also discovered that it's really important to always run the vent fan in the kitchen while cooking as it can get quite polluted in there.
I would give this device 5 stars... it appears to work very well, but there are bugs in the software.... "Good" air quality is only from when the reading is greater than 0, so when the reading is zero, (no particles at all), the display goes red, and it shows "Severely Pollated" (SIC). Polluted is spelled incorrectly. A minor detail, but should be addressed, see image.