A felülvizsgálat egy részét automatikusan lefordították.
Nagyon könnyű telepíteni a Maverick Phantom XT. Ez az RC autó olcsóbb volt kefe motor 15T. Most ezzel a készlet 2S Lipo nagyon gyors, és az akkumulátor hosszú élettartamú. Az autó most teljesen más és nagyon agresszív vezetni. Nem szükséges beállítani az ESC, mert a gyári beállítások nagyon jó. Köszönöm, hogy ezt a készletet nagyon elégedett vagyok.
I'm glad I got this! It's a very efficient system and I'm able to run it on nimh's pleasantly, too, if I want. The motor is very smooth and it's connectors fit the esc properly. The esc works well and responds to the program card's settings...mostly. The low brake setting has "less" braking power, but it seems to just be ON, it doesn't ramp up smoothly; and is only useful when you've got fairly good traction. What's amazing is that I can run my truck around slowly if I want and there's almost no cogging - it's almost as smooth as a sensored system - I was amazed. The lvc (low voltage cutoff) works, but be aware that it's a total voltage value per pack setting even though you specify the volts per cell. So, if you have a marginal pack with a low cell, that cell might get really low before the cuttoff kicks in. I use an 8s alarm dongle plugged into the pack because it responds to individual cells. The instruction sheet is just ok and there's no mention of manual calibration. The unit mostly seems to calibrate itself when you attach the battery and turn it on. Although it finds neutral every time, I feel like it pads the trigger pull at full-on. But it's still very controllable and I'll probably get more. If you want a good play system that you could "race" with in a pinch, this qualifies :) I got the 2050kv (17.5 equivalent) and it's good on nimh's and 2s, but really shines on 3s. Be sure to get the little silver program card, it's useful and I didn't even test the esc to see if it's settings can be blipped with a button, but I think not. Also, the temps of the system were normal and what I expected.