
Q: I don't understand, where does it get power

Kérdezte BG484816392 tovább 2022-07-05 16:25:52

beejson Looks like it only comes with the cords to plug onto a car battery or similar. So most likely for when your out in the middle of knowhere

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Q: I got 2s with 3s balancer wire! so is this supposed to be 2s or 3s lipo?

Kérdezte BG344553676 tovább 2022-06-21 04:49:48

beejson Should be 3s. That's what this product is so if your batt says 2s and you have a 3s balancer wire I'd send it back... Or put a voltage tester on it see if it's really 2 or 3s

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Q: No slipper pad??

Kérdezte CantennaB tovább 2021-06-21 10:51:05

beejson no there is not

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Q: can someone show me the manual as my esc didn’t come with one

Kérdezte BG131919501 tovább 2022-04-20 13:17:08

beejson Someone would have to include it in there review. If I saw this earlier I would have. What do you need to know?

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Q: Work With A959A model, Not B?

Kérdezte Schweg1994 tovább 2021-05-06 18:11:31

beejson It'll work... But I just got one and it is half the size of the original battery.

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Q: Is this suitable for 3s lipo??

Kérdezte Johnspy tovább 2019-09-19 23:34:08

beejson I got three short runs out of it on 3s. 5000mah the thing lit up on fire on my third run be careful. Luckily I only need a new esc

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