
Q: What is the difference with the BW-SHP6 ?

Kérdezte matthieu tovább 2020-08-10 09:43:36

luisfouto Hi, There aren't much differences between then: - Size Aspect - Power: SHP2 allows 16A and BW-SHP6 allows 15A - BW-SHP6 is compatible with the French Standard. They both work with Alexa or Google through the TUYA APP. They both have power consumption. They both work with Wi-Fi. Best regards.

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Q: Is it compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google smart Device?

Kérdezte mabbad tovább 2020-10-24 09:56:07

luisfouto Hi, I haven't received the product yet but in the product specs it says that's compatible with Alexa and Google.

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Q: Does it need to be connected to xiaomi gateway ?

Kérdezte JohnnyX tovább 2020-09-13 04:35:56

luisfouto No, you need wifi and xiaomi app to access camera in and out of our home Lan.

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luisfouto Tiveum problema parecido na primeira camera que comprei. Solucionei fazendo um reset # camera e tive de utilizar outro telemvel para instalar a camera pois o primeiro no conseguia fazer a liga o de Bluetooth.

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