
Q: Where can I download a manual for this device?

Kérdezte n7dkq tovább 2020-08-24 22:01:22

Grayed Wrong question. There is a spec sheet available online. Google "IIc 2004A LCD display model spec sheet." (the 2004A is the yellow-green version)

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Grayed You can drive the motors with 5V to 35V. The module has two screw terminal blocks for the motors A and B, and another three-terminal block for the Ground pin, the VCC for motor and a 5V pin. The module has an onboard 5V regulator which is set with a jumper. This gives you three choices for powering the board and motors.1) The 5V pin can be used as an input, to power the board and run two 3 to 5V motors, or maybe even a 6V motor running slow. For example, you can take the 5V output from an Arduino to power the L298N. Turn off the 5V jumper in this case. Nothing will be connected to the left screw terminal.2) Between 6V and 12V - . If the motor supply voltage is 6V to 12V, enable the 5V regulator and the 5V pin becomes an output and can be used to power 5V circuits (such as an Arduino) while still supplying 4V to 10V to the motors (the L298N has a voltage drop of around 2V)3) Over 12V up to 35V -- WARNING! A supply voltage greater than 12V will cause damage to the onboard 5V regulator (resulting in smelly smoke and a dead Vreg), so you must set the jumper to turn off the regulator before using more than 12V. With the regulator off, you must supply 5V input to run the onboard logic.

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Q: please can you provide a box and fan with price for this power supply?

Kérdezte charles tovább 2017-11-07 11:08:20

Grayed In the instructions for this kit, it appears to be installed in a nice plastic project box, product #1035473. I have purchased this box and plan to install the fan with the kit.

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Q: Do you have the dimension details?

Kérdezte kltan tovább 2019-06-19 23:56:28

Grayed The board is approximately 16 mm x 22 mm

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Q: Where can I find information on the Pin Outs etc

Kérdezte Papa Ralph tovább 2017-12-14 20:16:46

Grayed They are shown on the bottom of the board (unfortunately, the battery is in the way in the photos). Otherwise, just google; there are lots of tutorials for hooking it up.

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