
Q: No spare cable?

Kérdezte MarcAntoine tovább 2019-08-09 15:11:18

al.singarimbun There is a spare coaxial cable on the box, along with ND8 filter and 5D setting board with some screws

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al.singarimbun I got same question too. My FC can't read SBus connection from this Rx because FrSky inverted the SBus signal on the output. So we must get to know where exactly the pin before signal processed by inverter. That's the uninverted pin.

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Q: do spare arms are avalible yo buy for this frame ?

Kérdezte FADI tovább 2018-03-20 08:31:42

al.singarimbun So this frame sold without any support for replacement arms?

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Q: has anyone used this with the Fs i6

Kérdezte Dylan Watkins tovább 2017-12-25 08:37:09

al.singarimbun Haven't tried. But it should be worked when you connected PPM Out from i6's trainer to this module. Me myself, gonna use it on Radiolink AT9.

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