Minden üzenet

Q: When will it be delivered?

Kérdezte DooHwaanPark tovább 2019-01-17 05:15:33

jkotoulas cfd

2023-07-02 05:07:55 Hasznos (0)
Válaszok (2)

BG412331249 The description ia not the best and the new technology names confusing. The drone it works on wifi 5Ghz which is the "ac" the new name for it wifi 5. You phone support it and it will work. The 1km range is tricky mostly theoratical range. In urban region is lower the range because the lots of interferences.

2020-09-06 04:51:30 Hasznos (2)
Válaszok (6)

Q: Does it work with Samsung Smartthings?

Kérdezte Smahl63 tovább 2021-03-16 04:08:47

jkotoulas only from the app. you can have the app on your samsung smartphone

2021-07-31 07:23:00 Hasznos (0)
Válaszok (6)

Q: Different between SHP2 & SHP5 other than the two USB ports??

Kérdezte nirajpatel tovább 2019-05-13 07:09:15

jkotoulas that's the only difference and it is an important one

2021-06-30 07:45:15 Hasznos (0)
Válaszok (3)