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espenlossius When gilgisin say there are only one UART for the receiver, that's not true. Unless you also use gps, and something for the 5(!) other UARTs. Beast F7 has 7 UARTs, although two and a half of them is in the Dji plug. So at least 4 - 5 UARTs for your crossfire, air unit (if you dont use the plug for some reason), gps, and still you have one or two more, and two more in the Dji HD plug.

gilgsn 16/12/2020
Hozzászólások (3)

espenlossius Those are ao naked GoPro mounts, insta 360 mount, and antenna mounts, probably some for holding vtx etc as well... 😊

ReyFPV 27/11/2020
Hozzászólások (1)