Matek Systems F405-WING (New) STM32F405 Repülésirányító Built-in OSD for RC Airplane Fixed Wing
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Good PCB and component soldered quality. Only required to solder battery input and ESC power wires. The rest are using Dupont Connectors (servo connectors). Screw holes are the same as typical 30mmx300m board. It would be nice if the bottom board has screw holes for mounting to craft (rather than using double sided tapes or hot glue). It would be nice if it provide a few pins with different colors (black, white, red and maybe some like blue for 3.3V supply). Below pictures show how I use different colored pins like Blue for 9V and Green for 3.3V Also shown how I mount it in my Reptile S800 (Grey)
Nice wing flight controller with all possible connections. I especially like that each UART and Servo output also has a +5V and GND connector nearby. So no wild cable routing needed. WARNING! If you play around with the different UARTs, be aware the UART 4 and 6 have a different pin layout than UARTs 1, 3 and 5 (See picture)